Tag Archives: gift

Generous donor : Oscar Rysdyk from Holland

At the beginning of December Oscar Rysdyk, from Holland, contacted me after finding my site by Google.
He wanted to offer me his own first hand PC-1500.
This one was purchased in the united states by his father.

Lets examine this PC-1500…
Do you see the serial number on the last picture ?
It don’t have any metallic grey paint.
This is same for all USA models, i think.

Thank you very much Oscar for this gift !

Oscar, you’re a photographer ! These pictures are very nice.

The swiss adventure : Lukas ZELLER

As you understand my research to tell the story of the PC-1500 does not have borders.
I have many things from Germany. And my previous donor, Xavier Fojud brought me a link between France, Germany and Switzerland. In the latter I already had some contacts but the documents he had generously offered allowed me to connect some names.

Last week I received a gift of Lukas ZELLER.
He has been active Swiss side of the PC-1500 with his diary “Tips & Knife” and his assembler ZASM-S.
So here is his generous gift:


– PC-1500 Expanded to 28KB of RAM + switch to activate a 4Mhz quartz.
– PC-1600 the first version with integrated memory expansion to reach 96Kb.
– CE-150 Printer
– Sharp software modules CE-510A, 502A and 505A
– CE-155 modules whose components were removed to tinker extension of PC-1600
– CE-162E interface
– PC-1500 Technical reference manual
– PC-1600 Service Manual version SME1
– 3 user manuals for software that I’m trying to get.
– 2 prototype cards for male connector.
– ZAMS-S user manual developed by Lukas.

These PC-1500 and PC-1600 contain something not trivial that I will reveal later here in the series of articles on Lukas Zeller.

A huge thank you to Lukas!