Do you remember RVS Gmbh ?
RVS means Rasso Von Schlichtegroll.
Everyone using PC-1500 in Germany know RVS, isn’t it ?
The RVS Macroassembler was a major tool for the PC-1500.
But do you remember the software suite sold by Holtkötter ?
The suite PC-SOFT include 7 titles :
– PC-CALC : Make calculations easy
– PC-WORK : All to work with memory modules and tapes
– PC-LEARN : Everything to learn machine language programming with the LH-5801
– PC-PROFI : The function’s library !
– PC-MACRO : The professional Macro Assembler
– PC-BASIC ’84 : The structured Basic like Pascal
– PC-FORTH : The Forth language from the “Forth Interest Group”
Do you need something else to get ready with your Sharp PC-1500 ?
A big memory module ! 🙂
Here is the catalog describing (In german language) each module of the PC-SOFT suite :