Do you remember RVS Gmbh ?
RVS means Rasso Von Schlichtegroll.
Everyone using PC-1500 in Germany know RVS, isn’t it ?
The RVS Macroassembler was a major tool for the PC-1500.
But do you remember the software suite sold by Holtkötter ?
The suite PC-SOFT include 7 titles :
– PC-CALC : Make calculations easy
– PC-WORK : All to work with memory modules and tapes
– PC-LEARN : Everything to learn machine language programming with the LH-5801
– PC-PROFI : The function’s library !
– PC-MACRO : The professional Macro Assembler
– PC-BASIC ’84 : The structured Basic like Pascal
– PC-FORTH : The Forth language from the “Forth Interest Group”
Do you need something else to get ready with your Sharp PC-1500 ?
A big memory module ! 🙂
Here is the catalog describing (In german language) each module of the PC-SOFT suite :
I boughjt Rasso Von Schlichtegroll Macroassembler. I have casettes.
However, there is no cassette device working properly. Downloading requires a good quality.
I would appreciate if somebody has that software to send me.
I have CE155 for interface with a computer.
I had the macro assembler as well, but lost it (i was a schoolboy at that time). I have a cassette device connected to a soundcard, so I can digitize the old tapes. Let me know.
Hi I doubt old cassette tape would work, but there is nothing to lose.
I’ll revert to you later in this site.
That’s surprising how old tapes can deliver proper content after 30 years.
The firsts checks to do are on tape reader/recorder :
– Cleaning the head
– Verifying the belt. Most don’t survive. It’s a very common problem on the CE-1600F floppy reader for PC-1600.