If you loose your way ask your PC-1500 !
Here is a small navigation system for the PC-1500 : the CN-2000 from InfoCenter, Inc.
It’s stored in a very nice wood box.
The CN-2000 can be plugged to a PC-1500 or PC-1500A.
You have a module to connect on the 60 pins connector and a user manual.
The module is in a plastic box.
But when you open the box… you are far away from a professional system !
The box is not closed by the screws, it’s closed by some silicon glue.
The 4 screws are very short and fixed by the same glue.
And the board looks like self made but not pro with green paint.
The program is BASIC and stored in the EPROM. It’s read protected for common users.
Here is the user manual :
If you want to read more about navigation with this module there is “The navigator’s newsletter”
Go to the Newsletter archives…
And i have found a small paper in the Yatching magazine talking about the CN-2000 :